
Investment Areas

2012.03.08 12:00 , aktualizacja: 2012.03.08 12:04

Autor: , Wprowadzenie: Joanna Czechowicz-Bieniek


What distinguishes Mazovian development offers?


As indicated in the reports on the investment attractiveness of individual regions of Poland prepared by, among others, such institutions of the Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency, the Central Statistical Office (GUS), or Ernst & Young, Mazovia is one of the most attractive voivodeships in Poland.


Mazovia is one of the fastest growing regions in Poland. Mazovian Voivodeship is a region with the sales market with the largest capacity, with its very high level of activities directed at investors as well as with its very well developed economic and social infrastructure, and its continuously improving transportation accessibility.


The economic development of Mazovia and its attracting of investors, both domestic and foreign ones, is largely affected by well-prepared development offers. It is possible to find within Mazovia development offers that are large in terms of area such as those, for example, in Przasnysz – Sieraków (c. 300 ha) or in Nowe Miasto on Pilica river (c. 435 ha) as well as many smaller development sites. The development sites that are large in terms of area in Mazovia are "gems” on the national scale. It should be emphasized that these sites have a clear legal status and they in general are located on flat land, which is crucial from the point of view of future investors as well as the course of the development process. Mazovia, therefore, provides opportunities for executing large strategic development projects not only for the region, but also for the whole country, as well as smaller development projects.


The development land which distinguishes Mazovia also includes:


  • the sites of Płock Industrial and Technology Park with the location of a potentate in the fuel sector – PKN ORLEN, providing further opportunities for the growth of petrochemical and chemical industry,


  • the land to the west of Warsaw – Communes of Błonie and Teresin in particular.


As indicated in the report "The Polish Warehouse Space Market in the first quarter of 2008” published by Colliers International Poland, the warehouse centres concentrated around Błonie located near Warsaw still remain the largest concentration of warehouses not only in Warsaw but also in Poland (“almost 400,000 m in one place)”. It can be said, therefore, that Błonie is the capital of Polish logistics.


The significant advantage of development offers in Mazovia is their location in the strategic location – the centre of Poland, in the vicinity of major transportation routes, but most of all at a not too distant location from Warsaw – the capital of Poland, the main administrative, cultural, service and business centre of the country, as well as the location of the largest airport in the country - F. Chopin International Airport.


The knowledge on potential partners and suppliers as well as the proximity of the sales market – that is the factor that distinguishes Mazovia, and where Mazovia dominates, is an increasingly important component of the development offer. Mazovia is the largest region in Poland, the largest sales market (over 5 millions of consumers, 13.6 % of the entire population in Poland); it is a region where many companies are located that can be a potential partner or vendor for the foreign investor.


It should also be noted that the Mazovian development land has the increasingly improving technical infrastructure being constructed owing to the high activity of the local authorities as well as the active use of the EU funds such as, for example, the Regional Operation Programme of Mazovian Voivodeship for the years 2007 - 2013.


For more information:


Mazovia Development Agency Plc

ul. Nowy Zjazd 1, 00-301 Warsaw


Tel. No.: + 48 22 566 47 60

Fax: + 48 22 843 83 31


www.armsa.pl, www.coie.armsa.pl


Postal Address:

ul. B. Brechta 3, 03-472 Warsaw

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